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Lee Triming

Lee Triming is Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Ruskin School of Art, where he also teaches undergraduate Anatomy with Dr Sarah Simblet. He is tutor in Fine Art at Lady Margaret Hall.

Throughout The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Gertrude Stein writes about herself in the third person.  “Gertrude Stein began to laugh...”  “Yes, I know, answered Gertrude Stein...”  “Oh I forgot to give you these, said Gertrude Stein handing Picasso a package of newspapers...”  After a few pages, whenever a sentence begins with the words “Gertrude Stein...” it’s automatically hilarious.

This written gesture, which dislocates a figure and subjects it to a repetitive procedure, mirrors much of what I do in the studio: a constant arranging and rearranging of elements, predominantly through drawing, writing, and performance, but also taking in object-making, digital imagery, sound and whatever else seems pertinent.

Problems of composition underpin the practice as a whole, and repetition forms a mode of address or activity brought to bear on this problem, be it as seriality, quotation, rehearsal, appropriation, copying, anecdote, or any of its other articulations.  Through this fidgeting and repeated reconfiguration of parts the integrity of the artwork is questioned and thought through in relation to experimental literature, formal abstraction, pop / sub cultures and an investment in queer and feminist politics.

Email lee.triming@rsa.ox.ac.uk

Lee is available for DPhil supervision at the Ruskin. 

Listen to Roman Classic Surprise (Öxsjön) here