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Oxford Scholarships in Humanities

“The MFA has changed my perception of what is possible for me to achieve” Alexander Stavrou, Ruskin MFA, Oxford Humanities graduate scholar.

Alexander Stavrou. Photo by John Cairns

Ruskin MFA student Alexander Stavrou is part of a series of profiles by Oxford Humanities Division, 'Empowered by Scholarship'. Graduate students from across the Humanities faculties tell of their experiences at Oxford, their degrees made possible by philanthropical support from scholarships through the Humanities Division.

Alexander says:

"The MFA introduced me to a wide variety of media, such as performance, sound and writing which I combined with previous experiences in object making, painting and installation; providing an opportunity to practically and theoretically develop my work. The MFA at Ruskin was a unique experience: the relationship between students and staff created a uniquely dynamic and generative environment in which I became very productive. With the encouragement of my tutors I developed a trust in myself and researched ideas from my past, becoming more exploratory with my work. My tutors were brilliant and the technicians at Ruskin were incredible. I’m still drawing from these experiences, and will continue to do so for years to come."

"The MFA has changed my perception of what is possible for me to achieve and I would really like to thank the people who made the scholarship happen."

Read all the profiles on the Humanities Division website.


Alexander Stavrou, 'Progress II (gatherer)'. Digital stop motion on multi-panel windows. 3 hours 27 minutes. 2022



Alexander Stavrou, 'Fragment Interface' - Modern Art Oxford Performance. Fingers, thumbs, fingernails, thumbnails, knuckles, palms, backs of hands, forearms, elbows and wrists on a fragment of a discarded piano. 9 minutes 58 seconds. 2022. photo credit: Phil Brooks