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Ian Kiaer at Maison Louis Carré

Ruskin's Head of School, Ian Kiaer is currently showing work in 'La Marche Supplémentaire / The Extra Step', a group exhibition at Maison Louis Carré in Paris with the gallery Marcelle Alix.

Ian Kiaer, 'Pink cloth' 2021 in situ at Maison Louis Carré,

The gallery Marcelle Alix was invited to consider the house imagined by Alvar Aalto for gallerist Louis Carré "as an environment favourable to the fulfillment of each individual's uniqueness". The works presented here by Ian Kiaer, Laura Lamiel, Charlotte Moth and Mira Schor are on themes of the interior and the exterior realms, such as the political importance of the domestic space, the disruptions caused by external forces, and the experience of the outside on our beliefs.

"Ian Kiaer – an artist who is familiar with architectural utopias and spaces that are anything but neutral – prefers the position of the commentator to that of the competitor. He organises, as an investigator would, the data he collects on existing or dreamed architecture and the uses of space that have developed over time. It is through a subtle game of repeating the characteristics of a place using materials that are visible traces of life that he infiltrates Maison Louis Carré. Nothing in his process implies appropriation of the space, not even the idea of an ephemeral collection. It could be best described as an awakened consciousness, that of art as a normal activity, something to do to achieve visual pleasure while grasping somebody else’s home with affection."

- Excerpt from the introduction to the exhibition.

'La Marche Supplémentaire / The Extra Step' is open until 1st September 2024.
For more information, please visit the Maison Louis Carré website: maisonlouiscarre.fr