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Corin Sworn performance at Modern Art Oxford, 26 NOVEMBER 2016

The Ruskin's Associate Professor of Fine Art, Corin Sworn, will be presenting a performance with fellow artist Cara Tolmie at 7pm this coming Saturday, at Modern Art Oxford.

Caption needed

With a collection of temporary architectures- lights, screens and projection Corin Sworn and Cara Tolmie will perform a set of opening, fixing, and reconfiguring procedures upon a collection of their own material. What is it when something shifts out of phase with itself and drifts out of synch with the here and how? With nods to expanded cinema and magic shows, they hope to find out.

Tickets are free, but booking is essential - please go the the MAO website for further details. The performance will also be live-streamed  in collaboration with This is Tomorrow.

Corin, as the recipient of a 2015 Philip Leverhulme Prize is currently on research leave until 2018, so the Ruskin is very happy to see her briefly back in Oxford.